Decentralized Election System

We state our project as a Decentralized way of conducting elections. It involves the principles of blockchain like immutability, security, transparency, to achieve our goals like counting votes.

Created on 31st October 2021


Decentralized Election System

We state our project as a Decentralized way of conducting elections. It involves the principles of blockchain like immutability, security, transparency, to achieve our goals like counting votes.

The problem Decentralized Election System solves

What will the Election system solve ??
Their need is to revamp the current election system so that citizens can vote directly from
their smartphones or smart devices and don’t have to come to the polling booth. It is an
investment on the Election Commission's part. Their main aim is to save a lot of
preparation costs, make the overall process faster, remove illegal practices during elections
and stop violence during and after elections.

What will the Election system do ??
The software that we make is all about a user-friendly website for blockchain-based
election systems to elect leaders from multiple political parties with candidates belonging
to different districts by authentic voters, avoiding any malicious activity. We are utilizing the
fundamental concepts of blockchain, like immutability, security, transparency, to achieve
our goals like counting votes correctly, transparent and secure voting.

Why is such an Election system Important ??
The current pandemic is a dangerous threat that requires innovation to combat it. The
voting systems like ballot box voting or electronic voting have a very high risk of spreading
viruses. These old methods suffer from various security threats such as polling booth
capturing, vote alteration and manipulation. These also require vast amounts of
paperwork, human resources, and time. It creates a sense of distrust among existing
systems. Some other drawbacks are :
● Long Queues during elections
● Security Breaches like data leaks, vote tampering.
● Lots of paperwork involved, hence less eco-friendly and time-consuming.
● Difficult for disabled and old voters to reach the polling booths.
● The cost of expenditure on elections is very high due to the manual work.

Challenges we ran into

Keep anonymity of the voter. Blockchain Database is visible to all and the other private mongoDB database is only visible to the admin authority. We need the mapping of voter to their ethereum addresses (through which the voter signs the transaction and votes his favourite candidate). If we store such a mapping together then it is easy to track which voter voted for which particular candidate. But with our implementation anyone can just see which Ethereum Id voted for which candidate but there is no possible way to know which Ethereum Id maps to which particular Voter Id. Even the admin cannot decipher such a thing as this mapping is not stored anywhere. We are now storing the Ethereum ID and the corresponding district of the voter in blockchain, and details related to Voter registration in the MongoDB.
Just deploying the webapp on blockchain does not mean it becomes decentralized. We made sure that even the admin can not misuse his power.
We have automated the end voting part. I.e the admin need to just start voting manually and it ends automatically after a time specified in blockchain.
We need to make sure that count of votes, seats are not forged, therefore utilizing the power of blockchain i.e. immutability of the . We solved by storing it on blockchain so every node can verify it and if someone tries to forge, is caught easily. This is why such a solution is best for the Indian Election scenario where we usually hear how people blame use of unfair means. This is also a feasible solution where voter can vote without travelling to his constituency.


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