Decentralized Augmented Reality ProjectionPlatform

A decentralized infrastructure where users can create content anonymously, live to stream the video, and can experience augmented reality of that video without using any VR headset or projector.

The problem Decentralized Augmented Reality ProjectionPlatform solves

It is a multipurpose problem-solving product that enhances the experience of video watching on the internet, it is not limited to a video streaming platform, it projects the video on the walls of your room and gives the feel of metaverse or holographic projection also uses a decentralized video storage IPFS system. It can be further extended to the holographic effect if we use videos that have a transparent background.
Using blockchain solves the problems like Increased cost of storage due to the number of servers.
The revenue model is entirely dependent on targeted advertisements.
Censorship control over the content.Unfair revenue share provided to content creators.

Challenges we ran into

  1. IPFS p2p connectivity
  2. developing environment setup
  3. AR Projection
  4. Integration of three.js library
  5. whole set up with blockchain
