Decentralized Anonymous E-Voting System

Decentralized Anonymous E-Voting System

Now Today's Secenario EVM Hacks easily, however with the Decentralized system like blockchain. it is possible to completely eliminatie any scope of forgery as well as data Manipulation.

Decentralized Anonymous E-Voting System

Decentralized Anonymous E-Voting System

Now Today's Secenario EVM Hacks easily, however with the Decentralized system like blockchain. it is possible to completely eliminatie any scope of forgery as well as data Manipulation.

The problem Decentralized Anonymous E-Voting System solves

Develop a system for electronic voting system using the Blockchain technology which will help the general public to have more trust on the Voting system and it will help public to trust that the Selected candidate is been selected by the Public. more accurate and timely results,to gain the trust of general public in elections,help the public to opt the better candidate for them,No way to use political funding to manipulate results,Better and right politician fo the country,Increase of Trust on the Election by general public,Decentralized and Consenus based mechanism of blockchain make it impossible to hack and Altered.

Challenges we ran into

while being on the journey of developing this project unavailability of documentations and resources to turn a vision into reality did cause a time being setback but I was able to get support and required knowledge from community that kept me on my path and motivated to bring out a possibility of change by building this project

Technologies used
