

DeCarbonUs is an App-based solution to help fight climate change by facilitating individuals to reduce and control their carbon footprint.

The problem DeCarbonUs solves

  • DeCarbonUs is an App-based solution to help fight climate change by facilitating individuals to reduce and control their carbon footprint. With our app, the user can easily monitor and analyze how their daily activities contribute to carbon emissions and how they can take measures to slowly reduce such contributing factors by taking simple steps. With the help of the wide variety of tracks provided for Carbon Footprint minimization will help the user to manage their activities to reduce their Carbon Footprint.

  • To help create a community of like-minded individuals where they can share their ideas and work, we added Naturegram, an inbuilt social media platform that lets users connect. A user profile is created where the user can post pictures and follow their friends and new people to stay connected with what is happening in the community worldwide! The users can get daily updates about the local environment-friendly events happening nearby with our feature 'Maps' that shows the live location of such events happening in the community. With the help of the wide variety of tracks provided for Carbon Footprint minimization will help the user to manage their activities to reduce their Carbon Footprint.

Challenges we ran into

  • Although we faced many challenges but to summarize our experience, the first challenge we faced was to make the app user-friendly i.e. providing a good UI/UX. To tackle this issue, we took inspiration from various platforms like dribble, Behance and did a continuous development and testing of the user interface.

  • Other issue which we encountered was to make the API responses in the app as fast as possible as no user likes to wait while the app data gets loaded. For the server-side, deploying the API on GC was the best idea to improve the API calls and within the app, we made sure to load the API data well in advance so that users don’t have to wait for the data to get loaded Hence improving user Experience
