

Streamline Your Shopping, Compare with Confidence - DealDex

The problem DealDex solves

DealDex addresses the challenge of navigating the vast array of products available online by providing a comprehensive platform for efficient product research and comparison. It saves users time by eliminating the need to visit multiple websites to gather information, enhances decision-making by offering insights and analysis, and ultimately empowers users to make confident purchases.

Challenges we ran into

During the development of DealDex, we encountered challenges with data scraping and ensuring the accuracy and consistency of the gathered information. Additionally, integrating various e-commerce APIs posed technical hurdles, requiring meticulous debugging and testing to ensure smooth functionality across different platforms. However, through collaborative problem-solving and rigorous testing processes, we successfully overcame these obstacles and delivered a reliable and efficient solution.

Tracks Applied (2)


DealDex fits into the web/app track as a comprehensive solution for simplifying the online shopping experience. In today...Read More


In the AI/ML track, DealDex leverages advanced techniques to enhance the user experience and provide valuable insights f...Read More
