
DBeats is a decentralized Social Media Platform for Influencers & Content Creators where creators can mint NFT of their Posts, Music, Videos, Pictures, or external links from Twitter, Medium,etc.

Built at BUIDL IT
Prize Pool

The problem DBeats solves

Current Social Media & Content Streaming Platforms are owned by Centralised Organisations like Youtube, Facebook(Meta), Twitter, Instagram, etc.
This makes it difficult for indie artists to make any earnings out of their content as these platforms levy 40%+ commissions from the user's revenue also the user himself has no option to earn royalties from his content.
Digital Artists who create graphics & paintings have no single platform for selling their creations & end up posting them on social media platforms with high commission cuts or a lack of empathy towards the creators.

DBeats lets these artists mint NFTs of their creations(every day social media posts, pictures, music, videos, blogs, etc), set up a percentage of royalty they wish to have from their content on every sell & have complete ownership of the content they post. The platform is built on blockchain uses IPFS for storing content & Matic(Polygon) token as the payment method for buying NFTs.
Audience can donate cryptos to their favorite artists & start monthly subscriptions using Superfluid streams.
Content Creators can form community text-channels & have their fans start conversations around any topics, posts, etc no need to use any other platforms like Discord for staying connected with the audience.
Dbeats charges 1% from every NFT sale used for further development of platform and marketing & 5% from every Subscription & Donations used for creating liquidity for the DBEATS Token.
DBEATS Token will be distributed to users & holders of the token will be able to moderate the content on platform, vote for new features, participate in team events & get NFT airdrops.

Challenges I ran into

It was difficult to build the smart contract for NFT Marketplace & also set up an easy way for the audience to min NFTs while making them feel like uploading a general Social Media Post. We have been reiterating the User Experience several Times,
Also while building on Web3 we need to consider new users transitioning from Web2 and the problems they might face.
we also have been collecting feedback & making improvements to the platform while connecting with well-based artists and content creators & the difficulties they face with the current social media scenario.
