Davest Solutions

Davest Solutions

Quantitave trading firm with a focus on stock recommendation through algorithmic trading strategies, backtested and automated through the means of machine learning

Built at HackVSIT 4.0
Davest Solutions

Davest Solutions

Quantitave trading firm with a focus on stock recommendation through algorithmic trading strategies, backtested and automated through the means of machine learning

The problem Davest Solutions solves

Big size hedge funds/High-frequency trading firms are known for hiding the details of how they work, neglecting the trasparency between investment and operations management, resulting into issues like impoper audits and internal conflicts which makes for a profit only for the organization itself. They are going to keep making money and violating the basic rights to information.
We, on the other hand, are building a transparent financial platform using quantitative research models(advanced mathematics oriented, Machine Learning based future prediction); people should know how their money is being managed in order to build trust in the customer base.
In place of huge capital money, we are going to let the customer be as flexible as possible.
The best time to invest has always been yesterday. Let's change that and bring ease and safety into trading backed by solid mathematical analysis.

Challenges we ran into

We used Velo by Wix, a no code website to build the web application for our project. We figured we needed some react.js hooks in the embedded code to make some pages run but wix has recently stopped supporting react.js. The only way was to integrate APIs through raw javascript code and that's how we overcame the issue.
APIs were not performing as we expected them to, we changed some details regarding the implementation of integration and were able to come up stronger.
