Data Transporter

Data Transporter

Transport all your data to Mantle!

Created on 18th July 2023

Data Transporter

Data Transporter

Transport all your data to Mantle!

The problem Data Transporter solves

Mantle is new chain. Has no data. This means ded ecosystem x_x. We port over data! Mantle happy :D

We built a data registry that can port over any arbitrary data between EVM chains. Users simply need to specify the function name and the contract address on the source chain on our user interface, pay a small amount of gas fee and we handle the data porting to the destination chain. Some example use cases that we think this could be useful:

  1. Users have some SBTs/NFTs on a source chain. Users would now like to engage with some applications in a new chain ecosystem that are token gated with these tokens. Rather than needing to remint tokens on the new chain, users can easily use this data registry to prove ownership of assets on the source chain.
  2. A protocol or organization has multiple Safe multisig accounts on different chains. They would like to manage the validation logic of the Safe accounts (e.g. signer address, threshold etc) on a single chain, and the Safe accounts on other chain will always follow this validation logic. They could use the data registry to port validation logic and execute transactions.

Essentially, the data registry helps to bootstrap a new ecosystem with data that already exists on other chain.

Challenges we ran into

There seems to be no messaging bridge live on Mantle (Orbiter is only a token bridge). This leaves us with two options, either through a cross rollup storage proof, or use a permissionless bridging solution. The first option is too big of a hack for a three-days hackathon, so we opted for the second option. Hyperlane is a permissionless interoperability protocol, meaning anyone can deploy the Hyperlane contracts on a chain and connect them to other chains.

For the purpose of the demo, we use Optimism as the destination chain since Mantle is based on OpStack and should work the same once Hyperlane deployed.


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