Created on 28th February 2021
After finally getting into the market, we realised that we were hooked, checking our balances constantly, even losing sleep! Then came hacking to the rescue!! Our app stores our addresses for us and gets the balances from the covalent API. The app also displays current spot prices of erc20 tokens on the matic chain, for us to feed our insatiable anxiety. We can also see the graph showing the historic prices, again thanks to the covalent api. Finally, we wished to have alerts from Binance (our main trading platform), but as always, time was short (despite the week long extension, if you can imagine that).
Timezone, I'd be awake but my partner asleep or vice versa.
First swift app for one teammate, so there was some learning curve.
Synth Design Principles, rules are meant to be broken.
First crypto foray for one teammate, so more learning curve.
WalletConnet, never worked on iOS due to permission issues.