Dapp Tools

Launch your NFTs or cryptocurrencies on any EVM-supported chain in just a few clicks

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The problem Dapp Tools solves

Dapp Tools is a no-code launchpad for deploying ERC Standard Token Contracts on EVM-compatible chains. There are no extra fees or hidden charges to use the platform. Using OpenZeppelin's battle-tested smart contracts (version 4. x), all the services by default inherit its security advantages and have reduced the risk of vulnerabilities. So whether you are an experienced developer or heard about web3 an hour ago, we've got you covered.

Challenges we ran into

Dapp Tools uses Covalent API to fetch on-chain data, however, the API follows traditional REST architecture and its response time is very slow as of current usage. It does provide an option to paginate data but it kind of doesn't work. Also, the majority of the images(or other media) minted as NFTs are stored onto IPFS which takes ample time to load from. The Interface depends on the combined data from both sources and thus makes users wait for longer intervals.
