
Power your university by Dao-uni



Power your university by Dao-uni

The problem Dao-uni solves

-> Presently the decision making power in an institution is centralised and lies at the hands of a few individuals . More than often these decisions are affected by a personal bias and are not rational and transparent in nature.

->This mostly leads to dissatisfaction among people who are at the receiving end of those decisions.
Decentralised Autonomous Organisations, being an important element of Web3, have the privilege of solving this by decentralizing decision making by involving everyone by incorporating native or crypto tokens.
This is unachievable for organizations without tokens ,having no means to scale up into higher levels of technology.

Challenges we ran into

The initial code was earning a much higher gas fees during deployment which was solved by the use of optimized code.
The react packages used at first were not compatible with the current react version. This was fixed by replacing the packages.

Tracks Applied (1)

Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies

It is DAO
