Created on 15th December 2021
DAOs have enabled large-scale human coordination at scale. The finest example of collaboration was ConstitutionDAO. As we move into the Web3 world, DAOs will be the core of the how future of the internet will look like.
The integral part of community-oriented organizations (here DAOs) is to maintain systems to map the reputation and manage incentives to maintain positive-sum relationships between stakeholders, keeping them aligned on shared goals as the product/org/community grows.
DAO-Magical, a reputation-building tool based on-chain prediction market for DAO's community members, to fiind good actors in the community, surfacing meaningful insights from community, off-chain richer engagement of community, modelling reputation in the community, and easier custom rewarding (ex: NFTs, stablecoins, etc any asset) on the top of reputation.
We allow the community members to create and propose new proposals/incentives that can propel the DAO to where the community wants it to be. Considering the fact that DAO's discord servers are usually way more “happening” than the DAO itself, there's a lot that can be extracted.
This also enables deeper insights discovery from community members to the DAO's core contributors and help them further shape the project.
Initiating from Remix IDE, we struggled a lot with importing "" and "openzeppelin-solidity". Remix kept crashing and so we used truffle for the development
Although Gnosis Conditional Token Explainer was brilliant, implementing Fixed Product Market Maker was a hurdle, inline assembly in cloning the FPMM (MarketMaker) took us out for a spin.
Deploying the contracts, had issue with truffle migration, the error being ["Migrations" -- only replay-protected (EIP-155) transactions allowed over RPC."] which was subsequently resolved by downgrading hdwallet-provider.
Discord authorization with metamask integration in minimal steps was bit of a learning curve
Technologies used