

Give your heart out! Connecting the donators and the Recievers - Daan aims to use the power of Blockchain and Web3 space and provide a Solution to the current Charity and Fundraiser system.



Give your heart out! Connecting the donators and the Recievers - Daan aims to use the power of Blockchain and Web3 space and provide a Solution to the current Charity and Fundraiser system.

The problem Daan solves

Welcome to Daan!

The Problem

The existing problem in the current Charity and Fundraiser system is that there's not 100% transparency. People donate to charity believing they are giving and contributing to the cause, they have to TRUST someone.
NGOs can be used as a front by big criminals or they can be fake to influence and use the sympathy of the people.
Daan aims to solve this.

  • It uses Blockchain technology to create a Transparent system of Donations.
  • Creates Transparency by displaying all the donations made till date.
  • Daan aims to incentivize philanthropy and the art of giving - through custom NFTs.

Why the Blockchain?

Blockchain offers what no other technology in the time can. It offers transparency, security and helps to create a trustless system - where nobody has to rely on trusting the other person.

The cost is high?

The cost can be high on the Blockchain but thanks to Polygon network the gas fees is so low it's basically equally to none. A simple fundraiser can be started in no time and not much money is required.

Where Daan Shines?

Where the user is not the intended person. Suppose for a orphanage a third person was starting the Fundraiser. Now we don't want them to run away with the Money raised through donations - this is where Daan's governance module comes into play.

The money donated to the Fundraisers running in Daan don't go directly to the person who started it but get's locked up in a vault for a intended time period. After the time period is over a voting round begins where people who donated to campaign can vote and decide weather the Money should actually go into the hands of the person who started it or not. To make the voting a success - a majority should be achieved.

Why this lengthy process? Well through some time the NGO can be well accessed and thought over as well as looked into by other organization and future scams can be prevented.

Challenges we ran into


The First Challenge - Starting the Project again.

We intended to improve upon Daan ever since we created it but couldn't decide on a time. This hackathon provided us with the opportunity to start the improvement process but it was very tough as I had lost a lot of readability of the code.

The Second Challenge - Understanding Governance

I wanted to implement the Dao Governance Contract of OZ in the New improvement. After going through several hours of tutorials, articles and testing scripts I was able to Write the smart contracts and the respective deploy scripts for them. I also managed to write a test script to show the working but could not implement governance in time due to the time shortage.

The Third Challenge - Gasless NFT Reward

Previous NFTs were being rewarded and their gas fees was being deducted from the users wallet ( as evident in the video). This time I managed to run a Node server which would reward the users with NFT without taking gas fees from them making it ** Truly Rewarding **.

The Fourth Challenge - Metamask

The current metamask has a bug feature wherein you can't send a payable transaction without specifiying a gasLimit beforehand. This bug became a large obstacle for a good number of hours before being resolved.

The Design Challenge -

The main challenges faced in the design were the given time constraint (obviously) and the fact that I knew very little about technologies such as Blockchain and Web3.0 so it was difficult to design a website that involved them. Since I'm in my initial phases of Ui/Ux learning, DAAN was the first website UI that I've designed in my life also I had never made any storyboard until now for HackGDSC 2.0 hackathon presentation.
