Correcting your screen addiction



Correcting your screen addiction

The problem CYSA solves

Well we all have faced Covid-19 & attended google meets or spent our time mostly staring at screen, switching our eyes focus from one laptops screen to phone's screen to use social media.

It lead to people facing eye strain, some people stared into screen by wrong posture , keeping screens very close to their face henceforth affecting their eyes & detoriating health.

So we planned to use ML& AI model to build a project that will nudge the user whenever he/she sits close to the screen or when they scarefor longer prolonged times on the screen .

As staring into screens & spending most of our time on front of laptops & no social life is left which lead to
increased anxiety in people too & after studying symptoms of anxiety one of the most observed symptom was Nail biting , so we also implemented a feature where our ML model will detect Nail biting too.

To spice it up for New generation we also added a Dark mode for our platform too.

Inspiration behind our project:
Well being a student ourself we have had faced situations in which we were staring at the screens for prolonged period of time & had eye strain because of it , sometimes while attending the meets we sitting very close to screen & hence had a bad posture so our inspiration behind our project was to help all of us , this platform will nudge as a friend to us & even help out people dealing with anxiety as it will detect one of the main symptom observed in people dealing with it i.e. "Nail biting".
So yes this sums up CYSA !

Challenges we ran into

We faced some problem in training our nail biting model but ultimately figured it out by team effort & hence added one more functional featutre that will help the Users in long run.
