
Crossword Puzzles - Create, Play, Share and Compete

Created on 27th December 2021



Crossword Puzzles - Create, Play, Share and Compete

The problem cWuzzle solves

No available product in the market that can allow users to create and regenerate crossword puzzles with the words and clues they provide, play the puzzle in a timed, competitive environment with a user-friendly experience, and share it privately as well as publicly.

We resolved to make the most modern solution for this problem with a new generation design and lots of fun play with easter eggs.

Key points

  • Users can directly login using a google account in 2 steps
  • They can view trending, latest public puzzles to play anytime
  • They can create, manage and share their own cWuzzles
  • Fast and stable algorithm allows regeneration of cWuzzles using the same set of words and clues
  • Private and public sharing for controlled competitions and privacy
  • Realtime data saved for stop, go and resume later while playing crosswords-

Challenges we ran into

1. Generating the crosswords and regenerating them

  • We managed to make the most optimized code to generate multiple crosswords from the same set of words and also parse them according to clues

2. Calculating the clue numbers, showing the highlight on clue click

  • We achieved a better user experience by highlighting the crossword boxes according to the clue you are solving by parsing the data and calculating the indexes to store the numbers and the data type(Across/Down) along with the actual clue and word


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