

Unlock your potential with our study resource forwarding bot

The problem cusatobot solves

Our Telegram Bot 'cusatobot' is so user friendly that the user don't have to leave the telegram bot to get the desired file. Because the pdf file will be directly given via telegram bot. So its easy and convenient to use.
Usually there are so many bots to support students by giving them study materials via telegram but it usually redirects them out of telegram and leads to website which shows them ads and makes them wait for confirmation and details whereas our bot directly helps and makes it much easier process.
Actually we have a private channel which stores the question paper, notes, and previous year papers and our bot which admin access in this channel can read the file names and according to our users choice the bot will fetch them the file which they selected.

Challenges we ran into

Learning how to use telegram bot api was really bit tricky because of lack of resources and most of the repositories are private so that we can't access and see how they did their project. Their documentation was also there but its so diverse that we won't understand a thing from it. So we had to code from scratch to build a somewhat working prototype. Eventhough chatgpt was there, most of the time we couldn't solve it using chatgpt because of the complexity of integrating python and telegram api that is there are versions which doesn't support some telegram api features so we had to figure out which version supports our project. So technically it was a trial and error method for us, even if its like that we did complete our project in time.
