
Transforming Education, Helping Student Visualize Effectively & Efficiently

The problem CursAR solves

Our Problem has 3 part interlinking to each other & we have solved all three.

Firstly, Students in the school face difficulty in visualizing 2D figures. This result in loss of interest and engagement to study. Bridging the gap between perspective is the first problem.
Secondly, building an Augmented Reality always cost a lot, the cost of designer, developer and daily maintenance. Biggest Cost is a team of Designers when we try to cover the entire curriculum of different standards. According to the team's perspective & Considering the situation in India, Solution costing even 1 US Dollar is not scalable and viable and with a team of designers it will reach to several US Dollars. It will eventually become Royal's Play.
Lastly, Scaling & Distributing the App.

& This is how CursAR is solving it.

We had 3 interconnected problems. So, we have 3 interconnected Solution.
Firstly, We have developed an Augmented Reality Android App. Students can use this app to visualize the 2D figures in 3D after pointing toward that. Student can interact with AR figure in many ways to get a better understanding and perspective.
Secondly, As we have discussed the cost of designers is too high. So, We have come up with a way with which we will eliminate the cost of designer and keeping the solution available to all. We have come up with a portal where designer from across the world can
contribute required 3D models in exchange for recognition and rewards (Inspiration: Google Maps & Poly). "Rome wasn't built in a day", and Indian Education System won't too with an APP in a day. So, As we will keep getting support from the designers we will be keeping this revolution lively.
Lastly, The Issue which can destroy any Idea. Market Research is a couple of Google Search Away. We have used the same. We will primarily target Android User, which makes approximately 93.8% of Indian Mobile Market. Most of Indian Education Boards prefer NCERT Books, making it environment-friendly.

Challenges we ran into

  • Designing of that much models.
  • Working with WebGL & Aframe.
  • Increasing Efficiency of Android APP to make it work on low memory devices.
  • Maintaining Constant FPS.
