Curious Appetite

Curious appetite an app to give your inner chef a boost in culinary skills with an extensive menu for all occasions!


The problem Curious Appetite solves

Irritated of thinking what to eat today? Bored of having the same things on a loop? Want to try something new? A one stop solution to all these problems! 🥳🥳
Curious appetite an app to give your inner chef a boost in culinary skills with an extensive menu for all occasions!

I learnt various widgets in flutter, authentication using firebase, storing data on cloud database pf firebase i.e. firestore , how to call an api, making models to convert data from json to dart, REST framework, State Management using GetX.
I am thankful to my Mentors and fellow mates at Unicode.

Challenges I ran into

Setting up the Firebase. Geolocators Package and Authentication with phone number.

Technologies used
