CSAI Department Website

The project aims to build a website for the CSAI Department of NSUT.


Created on 22nd January 2021


CSAI Department Website

The project aims to build a website for the CSAI Department of NSUT.

The problem CSAI Department Website solves

It caters to the basic needs of a student. It includes the following features:

About - Basic info about the CSE Department including the courses and specialisations offered.
Announcements - Regularly updated IMS notices relevant to the CSE Department.
Faculty - Includes info and contact details of various professors in the Department.
Opportunity - Displays important opportunities that are relevant to a student.
Society - A list of all technical and non-technical societies in the college.
Forum - An interactive forum to provide seamless interaction between students of all years thereby promoting a better environment on campus.

Challenges I ran into

The biggest challenge which I faced was the authentication part involved in the query resolving portal.


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