Created on 14th November 2021
This web application is easy to use. Anyone who is ineterested in crypto updates and exchanges can checkout this website to get instant updates, as this website fetches the real time information and updates regarding crypto.
You will get global crypto stats from time to time.
Top 10 crypto currencies will be displayed.
There is other section named 'Cryptocurrencies' which is dedicated for 100 different cryptos where you can check recent up-downs in their price with the charts, ranking, market cap, 24h volume, number of markets, number of exchanges, approved supply, total supply, circulating supply, etc. Also you can search any crypto currency by its name so that you want to scroll down through all the unwanted stuff.
'Exchange' section is dedicated for all the exchanges in world of crypto.
In 'News' you will get latest news regarding all cryptocurrencies. Also you can search for news of specific crypto currency.
All the above features are available at this single platform.
There was only 48 hours to build this web application. So I decided my track even before the starting of hackathon and designed wireframe and then started to develop my web application. So my work became smooth and I was able to complete my target in time.
I worked on UI of web application with Ant Design for first time. As I was completely new to this framework I was little bit scared at first. But, after I referred its documentaion, all things went smoothly.
Technologies used