

Crypto payments ,but more simpler now



Crypto payments ,but more simpler now

The problem CryptoPe solves

  1. Complexity of Crypto Payments: Cryptope simplifies the process of making cryptocurrency payments. It provides an intuitive interface that allows users to send and receive various cryptocurrencies without the need for deep technical knowledge.

  2. Lack of Transparency: Cryptope addresses the lack of transparency in traditional payment systems by utilizing blockchain technology.

  3. Difficulty in Tracking Transaction Histories: Cryptope offers users the ability to track their transaction histories easily.

  4. Trust and Security: Cryptope enhances trust and security in crypto payments.

  5. Streamlining Financial Management: Cryptope simplifies financial management related to cryptocurrency transactions.

Challenges I ran into

  1. Dealing with vite framework , was doing it first time
  2. Ethers made struggle a lot

Tracks Applied (3)

Web3,BlockChain & Crypto

THis project is completely based upon Blockchain and revloves around crypto

Ethereum + Polygon Track

This project is deployed upon polygon mumbai network


Build Web3 with Zeeve

This project was deployed upon polygon mumbai network using zeeve RPC

