

Shield to your crypto

The problem Cryptolyzer solves

Lack of transparency in cryptocurrency transactions: Tracing the
movement of funds across centralized and decentralized exchanges
(CEXs and DEXs) is complex and time-consuming due to:
Limited visibility: CEXs often lack transparency regarding internal
transfers and wallet addresses, while DEX transactions occur on public
blockchains but require extensive data analysis for meaningful
insights. Manual investigation: Tracing funds across multiple platforms
and blockchains manually is tedious, error-prone, and inefficient.
Compliance challenges: Regulatory bodies and financial institutions
require robust tools for investigating suspicious activity and ensuring
compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-
customer (KYC) regulations.

Tracks Applied (1)

Ethereum Track

The project described is a Fund Trail Analysis Tool designed to address challenges related to the lack of transparency i...Read More

