

The future of the Hub

Created on 18th September 2022



The future of the Hub

The problem CryptoHub solves

CryptoHub doesn't solve any problems. CryptoHub is a piece poking fun at the very popular website PornHub in order to make a point of a very obvious scenario where a user desires privacy. CryptoHub is acting like PornHub in that you must attest to being 18+ in order to enter. Once inside, you are greeted with CryptoHub's "crypto winter NFT store" where you can buy NFTs in complete privacy. The 18+ attestion is built on Sismo such that a user could use a service like Verisoul to get a ZK Attestion that they are over 18+ with their personal wallet, and then assign that ZK Badge of 18+ to a burner wallet that they use to access The Hub. The CryptoHub's "crypto winter NFT store" is built on Aztec and when a user signs in, it actually signs them into Aztec such that all transactions are completely private - no one will know they bought the NFT once bought.

Challenges I ran into

Huge hurdle that I unfortunately couldn't get past was an end-to-end testing environment to stitch the smart contracts together with the front-end and actually submit valid DeFi transactions on Aztec under this bridgeID. It turns out that they would need an upgrade to their rollup provider on their mainnet fork in order to test this, and I was not able to establish a full stack testing environment so I can't say whether my NFT contracts would be valid transactions in Aztec or not.

Lastly, I ran into an annoyance that the SISMO attestation is built on a local fork and I have to switch networks to be able to prove that.


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