
A completely decentralized social media website that enables users to interact with their friends and relatives without compromising their privacy and personal info.

The problem Cryptogram solves

In case of a centralized storage mechanism, the data saved by the usera are at a high risk of being exposed and their data can even be taken by corporates for advertising or any individuals or groups for misusing the contents. Our all the functionalities of a traditional social media app like user profiles, friends, feed, posts, chat, etc. All the data including image files will be stored in a secure decentralized network(IPFS) and no entity ( government or private) has any control over it, thus giving the users total assurance of their privacy. But due to lack of time we were only able to do upto the stage where we can add photos in ethereum blockchain with a user defined description. And insted we also added a feature where other users can tip some amount of Ethers for a given post.
Currently we are using the test blockchain but while production we have to use real blockchain so that proper security can be ensured.

Challenges we ran into

It was really difficult for us to connect our project with test blockchain say even ganache but the mentor support was really great and during these time we researched more on internet on ipfs and blockchian. But anyways it was really a good time for us with learning the basics of technical aspects of blockchain .
