Crypto Payment Gateway

Crypto Payment Gateway

Enable seamless crypto transactions with a single line of code

The problem Crypto Payment Gateway solves

There are a lot of web developers, but not many websites use crypto. One reason I found, by asking my peers, is that it's very hard to implement crypto transactions on a website. They need to learn a new language to write smart contracts, and they'll need to handle everything from wallet connection to payment status. SO WE THOUGHT TO SOLVE IT!! We built an NPM package that acts as a crypto payment gateway. All you need to do is download the package and call a function.

Challenges we ran into

The biggest challenge we had was handling payments on a desktop site when the user is paying from a mobile wallet. If we just display a QR code and let users pay on it, it won't be easy to track the payment from a non-connected wallet. So, we used WalletConnect to connect the wallet, as it also supports connecting mobile wallets. Now, if a user wants to pay, they'll get a QR code to connect the wallet, and once the wallet is connected, they'll get a prompt in their mobile wallet to make the payment happen. SO NOW WE SUPPORT BOTH MOBILE AND DESKTOP WALLETS!!

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