Crypto Estate

Buy/Sell Properties With Visual Experience


Crypto Estate

Buy/Sell Properties With Visual Experience

The problem Crypto Estate solves

Today, all the information regarding the ownership of real-estate properties in our country are on paper, which are not safe-guarded properly and can easily be tampered by any corrupt government official. And also, sometimes, if the property is located in some remote village area, it's proper location is not recorded on any document. And anyone with power and corrupt intentions can ingress and name the property as his/her own.

Also, transaction of real-estate property between the owner and the buyer involves a lot of legal work, lawyers and a lot of money and time that can be avoided. We solved this problem by using smart contracts that record the ownership of every property that has been registered in anyone's name. This is IPFS-deployed, means that this website will go down only if the internet goes down.

On the home page, we can view on a doughnut chart, the total number of properties that are for sale on the platform.

On clicking on 'Buy' on the navbar, the user is redirected to a embedded map, on which there are markers that denote all the properties that are currently registered on the platform. On clicking on a certain marker, we can see the name of the owner of the concerned property, whether or not it is for sale, and the price of the property, which any user has to pay to buy it.
To buy a property, there is a minimal transaction fee that is charged for making a transaction on the blockchain, alongside the price of the property that the owner want to sell it for.
On making payment, the previous owner receives the price of the property.

Challenges we ran into

On deploying the frontend on fleek(IPFS), the react-router was not working. So, we had change browserrouter to hashrouter to fix this problem.

Using the Google Maps API, the functionality buy button on a marker, was not triggering. A whole new React component had to be written to overcome that.

One challenge was to connect the smart contract with the matic network. Initially, there were a lot of bugs, which delayed us a bit.

Initially, we were using metamask to make the transactions. However every user will not have the metamask extension/add-on on their browser. So, we had to find another wallet solution, Portis. Connecting Portis to the frontend was a bit challenging.
