
Cryft aims to change the way loyalty and referral programs work for the better, for both, brands and users harnessing the power of web3.0 using tokenization and incentivization.

The problem Cryft solves

✨ Inspiration ✨

I have 300 points from Myntra but they are going to expire tomorrow, it's frustrating because I don't want to buy clothes, what if we could spend it at Swiggy for some yummy food?

✨ What it does ✨

  • Are you an active consumer who is unable to keep a track of the loyalty points you are receiving?
  • Are you a business owner who isn't able to keep a track of the large databases and consider loyalty programs as a liability to the business? CRYFT IS HERE TO CHANGE THAT.
  • Cryft aims to change the way loyalty and referral programs work for the better, for both, brands and users
  • Enhance the emotional value that comes with gifting by storing your rewards on the blockchain
  • Brands can Mint Custom NFTs which can be bought by the community
  • No expiry date will be attached to your gifts anymore, redeem whenever you want, however you want.
  • Generate gift cards from a wide range of brands
  • Our business aims to earn money by hosting top brands on the platform to provide a smooth experience for their users
  • Brands get to market themselves on the platform to enhance the traction of their innovative referral programs, this is another marketing strategy for them.
  • Blockchain will change the loyalty experience by being permanent, immutable, transparent, and liquid
  • The reward points earned by users would be in the form of stable coins that can be used to yield farm
  • Brands can connect to the cryft ecosystem easily using APIs

💻🧰 How we built it 🔧🔨

  • React native for developing a cross-platform mobile app.
  • Solidity to develop smart contracts.
  • Hardhat as the smart contract development environment.
  • Filecoin and IPFS for storing NFT images/file and metadata.

Applicable bounties 🏆🏅

Filecoin and IPFS - To store NFT images/files and other metadata
Moralis - Used the Ethereum react-native boilerplate
Covalent - To show transaction addresses and token balances.

Challenges I ran into

Using the ethereum-react-native boiler plate for android was hard, it requires a lot of debugging and reconfiguration
