
Crowdly is a Crypto-economic platform that acts as an information market that provides accurate news for users to both view and bet on.

The problem Crowdly solves

Misinformation is a major problem in a world where there are many sources of information on the internet which may or may not provide the right information. This ultimately results in users losing faith in every internet source altogether.

We aim to solve this problem of misinformation by means of crowd verification and independent source (News Organizations) verification of the news shared. We aim to incentivize people to provide the right verdicts on each piece of information by allowing them to bet on what they feel is correct. They receive their fair share of profits once the news is verified by independent sources.

Challenges we ran into

We used Metamask initially, it wasn't supported by Android/IOS devices hence we switched to Portis wallet.

The promise used in javascript was not returned in time for Portis Wallet. We used asynchronous programming for handling promises.

The cost of deploying the contracts was very high initially. We integrated Matic to reduce the gas fee and reduce the processing time.
