

A decentralized crowd funding application

Created on 18th February 2023



A decentralized crowd funding application

The problem CrowdFund solves

In the decntralized crowd funding application one can create their campaign and the contributors can visit their campaign and contribute in their work. Since it is decentralized the user can easily trust on the organization.

Challenges I ran into

Uploading the description of project on Pinata using formdata, where I faced problem in finding the correct api to upload.
If someone change their account or the chain suddenly, a notification need to be shown; which was solved by using the window.ethereum.on("...") syntax
Creating the onchain meta data, in creating the NFT .
The updated version of ethers.js(6.0.0) doesnot allow to repeat in generating the provider which was solved by using the ethers.js version(5.7.2)

Tracks Applied (2)

Polygon: Open Track

Deployed the smart contract on polygon testnet and made transaction with it. Contract Address: 0xA55cdCDe6C159D4daf1308b...Read More

Polygon Technology

Quicknode: Built on QuickNode RPC

RPC URL: I h...Read More



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