

Unlocking Transparent and Trustworthy Crowdfunding with CrowdChain.

The problem CrowdChain solves

The problem is related to the long and documented process in raising and sending funds. Also most of the times there is no transparency in the process of donation to organizations, often not even proper records of the fund amounts being sent and utilized which corrupts the entire concept of domination itself. In the new era of entrepreneurship, its tough for founder reach out globally.

Challenges we ran into

Having no prior experience in Blockchain technology, we faced difficulty in building project and delivering on time but due to our learning skills we overcame the problem, learnt, built and got our expected outcome.

Tracks Applied (3)

Ethereum + Polygon Track

We use polygon blockchain for deployment of smart contract



We used replit to test our frontend


Most Creative Use of GitHub

We uploaded and used github for contribution

Major League Hacking
