Created on 21st August 2022
In the proposed system, the campaign creators will post their project ideas in the campaign and the interested people will
donate the fund to the project idea. Where it defers from the old crowdfunding is that all the money is now digital currencies like ether. All ether coin will be recorded and keep tracks in the blockchain. Where the blockchain is an immutable ledger. The Donor has control over the funded money. With the Request approval module, the donor has full control over the money they invested.
Only if one by two of the investors need to approve the request made by the creators. By giving control on invested money the
Trust is built.
– Trust
– Control over money
– No charges
– Donor Guarantee Policy
– All transactions are recorded
– Money is Stored Securely
During our whole journey in building our project of crowd funding, we have faced many issues and bugs. One of them is 'deployment of transaction'. We have faced many problems in solving that particular bug as we are unable to deploy our transactions. Then we have skimmed whole code again and we have found that there is an error in one of the lines in our code. Therefore we fixed that particular line of error. That's how we have figured our bug and successfully deploy our transaction.
Technologies used