

The Pioneering Space Odyssey Game Now Uniting Players on EVM

The problem CrossPlay solves

CrossPlay: Revolutionizing Web3 Gaming

The Problem It Solves

In the evolving landscape of web3 gaming, players are often confined within the boundaries of their respective blockchain platforms. This fragmentation leads to several challenges:

  1. Limited Interactions: Players on different blockchains cannot interact, compete, or share experiences, leading to a siloed and less social gaming environment.
  2. Restricted Game Access: Exclusive games on specific blockchains limit players' access to diverse gaming content.
  3. Diluted User Base: With a growing but still nascent user base in web3, the division across multiple chains further dilutes and segments the gaming community.
  4. Complex User Experience: Navigating across different blockchains for various games can be technically challenging and intimidating for new users.

What CrossPlay Offers

CrossPlay addresses these issues by creating a unified gaming platform that connects different blockchain networks. Here’s how it enhances the gaming experience:
Cross-Chain Play:
Gamers on platforms like Polygon can directly play with users on Celo, and vice versa. This feature dramatically expands the gaming community, allowing for richer interactions and competitions.
Easy Access to Diverse Games:
Players have access to a wider range of games without the need to switch blockchains or manage multiple wallets and currencies.
Simplified User Experience:
CrossPlay offers a streamlined, user-friendly interface that abstracts the complexities of cross-chain interactions, making it easier for both seasoned gamers and newcomers to jump into the action.

Challenges we ran into

Challenges in Building CrossPlay

1. Wallet Integration with Wallet Connect

The Challenge:

Integrating Wallet Connect was a significant hurdle due to dependency errors, critical for establishing a connection between users' wallets and the gaming platform in a blockchain-based game.

The Solution:

We meticulously reviewed and updated our dependencies for compatibility with the latest Wallet Connect versions. Extensive testing was conducted to resolve any conflicts, ensuring a stable and reliable wallet integration for a secure and user-friendly gaming experience.

2. Understanding the Sockets

The Challenge:

Grasping socket programming was essential for real-time communication between the server and clients, crucial for a dynamic gaming experience.

The Solution:

We dedicated time to learn socket programming concepts and best practices. By experimenting with prototypes, we gained insights into effective socket usage for real-time game updates and player interactions, enhancing game responsiveness and fluidity.

3. Making a Web-Based Game Interact with Blockchain

The Challenge:

Bridging a web-based game with blockchain technology was complex but necessary for recording and validating gaming actions on the blockchain.

The Solution:

We leveraged smart contracts and blockchain APIs to seamlessly link the game's frontend with the blockchain backend. This approach ensured a smooth interaction between web-based gameplay and the blockchain, providing transparency and security.

Tracks Applied (13)

1inch Track

Uses the 1Inch Developer Portal API

1inch Network

Arbitrum Track

Deployed on Arbitrum and uses the chain


Polygon Track

Deployed on Polygon zkEVM


Ethereum Foundation Track

The project is deployed on the multiple EVM chains.

Ethereum Foundation

Celo Track

Deployed on Celo Testnet


Airstack Track

USing Airstack data for username resolvement and balance fetching


Base Track

Deployed on BASE TESTNET


Alliance Track

It has potential to be a startup


Push Protocol Track

Using Push Protocol for Notification and InGame Chat

Push Protocol

Mantle Network Track

Deployed on Mantle Network

Mantle Network

OKX Track

Deployed on x1 network


Scroll Track

Deployed on Scroll Testnet


Huddle01 Track

Using Huddle's SDK for inGame Audio


Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.
