Created on 4th February 2024
Daily, farmers have to face a lot of problems including sales and the condition of their crops. Our innovation aims to solve these problems to a certain extent. Some of the problems that plague them which are being solved by us are:
While building the project we came across some challenges. They include:
Availability of dataset of all diseases of some plants and the sheer size of it and making sure the AI model is more confident or has higher accuracy.--This problem is faced by every Ai engineer but it was quite extensive in such a big field. We took our time in carrying extensive research in this field and making our own dataset which gives a higher accuracy tahn any available dataset. We used two deep learning models to identify the pictures characteristics and help us identify the disease harming the plant.
Building the smart contract regarding the supply chain and making it scalable: use of solidity involves playing with gas prices and making it slow and very pricey. We used polygon to overcome teh scalability challenge and help us do the smart contract effectively.
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