Created on 12th December 2020
The biggest problem we face in such a largely populous country as India is that most crimes go unreported and the guilty are free, while the victims live their whole life in pain and humiliation, losing their faith in our law with each passing day. So with the help of our application, we tried our best to help our country's people by making the path towards justice a little bit easier for them.
Basically, this is an android application that will help us take a step forward towards a crime-free nation that we all have always desired. Criminal Alert can act as a virtual law enforcement assistant for residents. Where people can not only file an FIR, but we have taken a step further so that they can take care of their regular lost-found reports to even filing complaints for horrific and serious crimes such as rape and abuse can even be filed by the end-user. Everything without even keeping a step out of their houses.
So essentially, this app has two leading roles: one is the end-user who is also a resident of the country, and the other is the administrator who is none other than our law enforcement officers.
The role of the user is to report the crimes he/she has faced or has been an eyewitness of, and also to have full access to the status of his/her complaints in real time.
The main role of the administrator is to validate the complaint and take whatever action is appropriate to take against the guilty party and to report back to the user who lodged the complaint. Because of this app, our officers will still have access to essential case files and on-the-go complaints, regardless of whether they are on duty or off duty.
We got tons of errors when we tried to deploy the application on our smartphone. So we tried to run the application in debug mode and eventually found out that the firebase was the sole reason to cause those errors. Then we started how every developer starts to debug his code using the power of Google search and one problem at a time we kept on searching through StackOverflow answers to official firebase documentation and at last we mostly fixed all of them which we were able to find in our initials test phases.
*Google Search
*Official Firebase Documentation
*StackOverflow answers