Credential Manager

Credential Manager

A credential manager website for QuestIT organization. Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries at QuestIT can use this website for getting access to credentials of QuestIT accounts across social media.


The problem Credential Manager solves

QuestIT Credential Manager

A credential manager website for QuestIT. Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries at QuestIT can use this website for getting access to credentials of QuestIT accounts across social media.

How to get access?

If you are a Secretary or Deputy Secretary, you will be assigned an Admin role in the QuestIT Database. All you need to do is sign into the website using GitHub.

Q: I'm getting an "Unauthorized Access" Error

If you're sure you're authorized to use the application, you need to contact the database administrator and ensure that you've provided the correct GitHub email address in the database. This email has to be the primary email for your GitHub account.

How can we update the credentials?

Naturally, the credentials are not stored as plaintext in the database, but in the form of JSON Web Tokens(JWT). These tokens are signed using a Secret Key. Using the secret key and the necessary parameters, you can re-create a JSON web token for a particular social media account and simply store it in the Database. This updates the credentials list and will be immediately reflected on the websit
