

Bridging Security, Building Sustainability

The problem Credence solves

In the complex realm of contemporary supply chains, the pervasive issues of opacity and complexity have given rise to critical challenges, including unethical sourcing, environmental degradation, and the looming threat of counterfeiting. These challenges not only compromise the integrity of the supply chain but also have far-reaching implications for society and the environment. In response to these pressing concerns, we propose an innovative solution: the "Sustainable Trace" blockchain-based supply chain tracking system.

  1. Unethical Sourcing: The lack of transparency within supply chains often conceals unethical sourcing practices, ranging from labor exploitation to the violation of fair trade standards. "Sustainable Trace" addresses this by establishing a traceable chain of custody, spotlighting unethical practices, and promoting ethical behavior across the supply chain.
  2. Environmental Degradation: Contemporary supply chains contribute significantly to environmental degradation through inefficient resource utilization and unsustainable practices. "Sustainable Trace" seeks to revolutionize supply chain operations by encouraging eco-friendly practices and providing a comprehensive view of a product's environmental impact, fostering a shift towards sustainable business practices.
  3. Counterfeiting: Counterfeiting poses a pervasive threat to the authenticity of products within the supply chain, compromising consumer trust and presenting substantial economic risks. Through the implementation of blockchain technology, "Sustainable Trace" establishes an immutable and transparent record, making it exceedingly difficult for counterfeit products to infiltrate the supply chain undetected.

Challenges we ran into

At the start it was researching thoroughly through the entire market we were getting into. We dedicated hours after the Problem Statement was out to not only understand the way the supply chain works but also to look into the various loopholes available so as to improve security of our web app. Thus including greater insecurity we were able to up security at the same time maintain the rate of flow as to products.
Integrating the app according to the needs of the user was another problem we faced i.e. to up security and compromise on the rate of flow or vice versa. Here we then decided to look into high end product which would require greater security.
Finally the main problem due to time constraints and monetary issues we had to integrate a eco- friendly blockchain so as to adhere with the "sustainibility trace." Here we had to integrate a a PBFT however we used the POW concenses.

Tracks Applied (1)

Ethereum + Polygon Track

We've chosen the Polygon Mumbai testnet as our playground to deploy and fine-tune our blockchain-managed supply chain. T...Read More

