Creating Digital Identity

Creating Digital Identity

Digital Verification

The problem Creating Digital Identity solves

Often we are frustrated with the number of documents that we need to present in governments offices along with their hardcopys, original and xerox. It takes a lot of time standing in long queues to make a single government document. Also it takes many days for us to receive that document and if any flaw is found in that document, then we need to go through the entire process again. Human errors are inevitable and bound to happen. Thus, this will cause a lot of stress among people and often leads to bribe system. We came up with an online web product whose only requirement as an aadhar card. After scanning the QR code on aadhar card, we extract the persons validated details and by OCR algorithm we authenticate all the remaining documents that the person has uploaded. At the end, the person can generate an authenticated government card, which can be a proof of all his documents that he uploaded to obtain it.

Challenges we ran into

A lot of Conflicts in Github Repository

Tracks Applied (3)





Replit helps us to use online debugging to do the development very fast.




