Onestop Solution to instant Covid Insurance

The problem COVISURANCE solves

Medical treatment is one of the major expenses in one’s life. Getting hospitalized brings with it a great financial need urgently. For this people invest in health insurance but in today’s scenario getting claims from the insurance companies have become a very time taking process. This problem has majorly scaled up during the Covid-19 situation. God-forbid, anyone gets Covid-positive there is an urgent need for money for tests, ambulance service, medication, oxygen etc. and even after demise, the family members must get their claims as soon as possible to continue their livelihood. Our solution would increase the ease of getting health claims and greatly reduce the time span of the process for the wellbeing of the people. A simple user interface will make it easy to use for eveyone. With automated document upload and verification the user will be freed from the hassle of paperwork, and being a digital solution the ease of excess would be increased by avoiding the tiring and unproductive visits to the insurance office. We will be using Blockchain to channelize the funds. Using Blockchain will make it possible to channelize funds without delay hence providing people with funds and helping them to get better treatment and better lives for their loved ones. Hence, our solution will have many benefits over the old insureance system and will prove to be a more user oriented solution that is instant and easy to use. Presently, our use case is for Covid-19, but deploying a more general model for a complete healthcare solution will make the insurance and claming process easier and a lot faster than before.

Challenges we ran into

The major challenge was to integrate all the work on different technology stacks compiled by different team members. Finally we found the solution by using github pages and deploying all the parts individualy and connecting them using redirective URLs. Hosting and connecting the react app to the Firebase was also full of hurdles due to its updated documentation but we crossed all of them by them by reffering to the official documentation. Implementing Blockchain came with challenges while obtaing and envoking the "Private Key", but here also the official documentation and a few programming basics came for rescue. Further deploying Superfluid came with some challenges.A major challenge stands in front of us after the final deployment of this project as a product. Since Blockchain is an emerging technology, majority people are not used to Cryptocurrency and their wallets, so this can become an adaptation barrier. But, during this tough period of Covid-19 and lockdown situation, people have made themself aware of the various digital platforms including varoius E-wallets. So, we believe in the same way people will get used to the new world of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency and this adaptation barrier will be resolved soon.
