Created on 9th August 2020
This program predicts/forecasts the number of CORONA-VIRUS cases in any area, after loading the history of cases of the same area. This program is integrated with 3 models :
The predictions of the first 2 models are combined by HOLT FORECASTER and then predicts accurately.
This program will predict the cases of an area if given the history of cases in the form of dataset. People living in that particular area will get an idea about the same and sort their work accordingly. This will stop/ slow down the rising cases in that particular area.
If the number of cases of Covid in a particular area are less/none. Then this program will not show the result to everyone , but only to half of the population. This will ensure that the cases do not rise again.
People do not look the government site everyday to know the Covid cases in their area. So this application will be a COVID CASES VIEWER according to the area
This program will help people in sorting their day to day work and also preplan it. So this application will be opened atleast once daily. We can advertise advertisements thus making money and also add new features in it(like integrating Aarogya Setu into it, showing facts /precautions/warnings etc.)
This applciation has great potential to be modfied and adding new features.
After hearing predicting application people will be motivated to try it , since this is totally new kind.
This can easily catch the attention of everybody , since Covid is so much famous. Also this type of application is needed in the public
Overall : I don't know if I have properly utilised the 50 hours
Technologies used