
A Complete Solution to all your Covid-19 Problems

The problem CovidDeck solves

A modern day Web App that aims to provide a platform where one can take a self-assessment test for Covid-19 through an Interactive Bot made using HTML and Machine Learning and also see deployed AR models on echoAR depending on your assessment results, Check the status of rising Covid-19 cases across India, and also see a secured, Corruption-less way of distribution of Vaccines(when they arrive for real) from the Central Government to the State Government and then to the hospitals using Blockchainusing Ethereum and Matic(This module is still under progress).

Challenges we ran into

The major challenge was with our third module using Blockchain which was supposed to be used for vaccine tracking right from the origin to the destination but we weren't able to implement that yet but we are still trying to make our webapp better and we intend to add that module as soon as possible
