
A BlockChain based solution for corruptionless distribution of Covid Vaccines through different levels of authority in our democracy.

The problem CoviDapp solves

  • Distribution of vaccines in a systematic top to bottom approach.
  • Hospitals/States with emergency cases/surge in cases can send in requests for more vaccines directly to the higher authority, and their request will be in priority of the higher officials. i.e. Hospital requests are higher priority for State Government officials.
  • As we all know, in a blockchain, every movement is tracked, so all the vaccines that enter the chain through the central government, is tracked all the way down to the hospitals receiving it, hence no chances of corruption in between the authorities.
  • All the transactions for a specific hash address can be seen available publicly to everyone, to make the taxpayers see where their tax is being invested.

Challenges we ran into

  • We were using ReactJS for the first time since the project required client side rendering. We had to dig up our JavaScript knowledge and go through a lot of the React documentation to understand and write the code for our application.

  • We were also dealing with Tezos Blockchain for the first time, writing smart contracts was an amazing experience but writing the testCases were not so amazing. Using the generated michelson code with our JS file, integrating it with the ThanosWallet was something we dedicated our 1 full day of the hackathon.

  • While deploying the project, we tried Github pages & Vercel, but both of them showed errors with our app. We weren't able to deploy the app on time. We do have the code available on GitHub and the live demo attached here.
