It basically tells us the overall situation around the world due to corona virus for egs- no of confirmed , no of deaths ,no. of active cases and all these of every country also.

Created on 19th April 2020



It basically tells us the overall situation around the world due to corona virus for egs- no of confirmed , no of deaths ,no. of active cases and all these of every country also.

The problem COVID-19 TRACKER APP solves

People can use this app in the searching of cases of any country as well as it automatically updates to itself as it is backed by the api key which is situated in the code. It makes the task easier for everyone as it is there at one click on our phones plus it is accurate and use less storage space.

Challenges we ran into

Challenges were not many but some were like i was beginner in android app development so first i was in learning phase of it and also i have to lot of research in how to design the app good and saw many android app development tutorials on youtube. Second was to find accurate api from github as there were many available. So for this i used to see the api was backed by which organisation if its for eg - john hopkins university or WHO , it will be accurate. Third was i struggled in java code , so i took some help from similar app videos.


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