Created on 20th September 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic is the defining global health crisis of our time and the greatest global humanitarian challenge the world has faced since World War II. This virus is spreading rapidly, and the number of cases is rising daily as our government works to slow its spread. India is moving quickly, implementing various remedies for the welfare of our country. It took decades of vaccination to eradicate smallpox. Most importantly our parents work as nodal officers for the Quarantine centers, we have observed how it is challenging to manage people and their anxieties. Keeping their count, providing them good health care, regular feedbacks, and easing their mental health.
What it does
For the current pandemic, the vaccine may need a longer period. As days pass by, patients increase rapidly and along with that, the number of quarantine centers increases as per need. We, the quartet of college students have put in our efforts collectively to put forth our solution in regard to this problem. We have developed a website in which the Patients, Nodal officer, and Admins play a vital role. This website is also an information update on the lifestyle in quarantine centers and most importantly we have focused on the well being of the patients during their quarantine period (until recovery). The Admin will register the patient along with his personal details. The routine check-up update is taken on a daily basis from patients. The feedback on the patient's wellness, diet, cleanliness, and overall living are taken on a weekly basis. This information is recorded and visible to the nodal officers who can then implement constructive changes accordingly. For the patient's past time we have also showcased an entertainment section in which there are varied choices of sources. To conclude our website is aiming for the patient's well-being and peace of mind during their quarantine period.
Accomplishments that we're proud of
Even if we are able to address one query and reduce the level of anxiety among people, we see this project as successful. Also, helping all nodal officers, for easy management and plan future-readiness. Medical departments to ease the collection of data and sending out reports too. Also, the daily collection of feedback from people, even after they are discharged from centers and hospitals. Also providing overall insight by data analysis.
What we learned
Except from a technical point of view, we did learn an approach to solve a practical problem with the easiest and real solution. Worked with languages like HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, and frameworks like jQuery and bootstrap and database management by MySQL. We have hosted the website on
Login Details: Admin Username: 420 Admin Password: admin
Nodal Officer Username: 9696969696 Admin Password: mukesh
Patient Username: 9988776655 Admin Password: rishabh
Technologies used