Covid-19 HospitalManagmentSystem

Very Very Useful APP/EXE For Covid-19 Hospital Managments.

The problem Covid-19 HospitalManagmentSystem solves

  1. Login Page:
    In this page we have to fields username and password. When we enter incorrect username and password it will show a popup message Incorrect Username or Password. If we enter correct username or password we will move to next page. It having one more button for exit this application.

  2. Home Page:
    After login this one is first page. In this page we have seven button and each button having different functionality.In this page there is an arrow button which is used to change position of other buttons.

  3. Add New Patient Page:
    In this page we have multiple fields to get details of patient or we can say add new patient in our database and having two buttons first one is used to save details and second one is used close this page.

  4. Add Diagnosis Information Page:
    In this page first we have to enter id then we have click on search then it will show all the details of that patient.If patient does not exist then it will show error message. After that we have multiple fields to get and add diagnosis information of patient in our database and having two buttons first one is used to save details and second one is used close this page.

  5. Issue PatientID Page:
    In this page we have to enter PatientID and Patient ID then we have to set issue date and return date and then we will click on save button if Patient does not exist then it will show error message. If our Patient IDis correct then it will save successfully. In this page there is one more button to close this page.

  6. Full History Of The Patient Page:
    In this page we can see all the details of the patients and diagnosis information of patients.It also have a button to close this page.

  7. Update Patient Record Page:
    In this page we can change patient details by searching by patient id.If id does not exist it will show error message. It also have a button to close this page.

  8. Hospital Information:
    In this page we can see all the information related to hospital.

Challenges we ran into

Issue PatientID Page:
In this page we have to enter PatientID and Patient ID then we have to set issue date and return date and then we will click on save button if Patient does not exist then it will show error message. If our Patient IDis correct then it will save successfully. In this page there is one more button to close this page.
