COVID Everything

"A FREE SOURCE FOR ALL INFORMATION RELATED TO COVID-19". It has all the content that a user can expect at a single page.

The problem COVID Everything solves

Today, there are a lot of websites and portals that are available for COVID-19 related stuff. But no portal is there which has all the things integrated. Some show only live counts of the cases, some show symptoms and precautions, and the biggest thing E-Pass application sites are unknown to many. So I have integrated each and every prospect on our site.

Challenges I ran into

It was the second hackathon for me so it was a challenging work to develop in 48 hours but it was fun.
Challenge was for Google Map API which is applied on Contact Us Page but it has been solved and the map is now present on-page. Additionally, API was a new concept for me so I learned it and then made the statistics page with that.

Note:- A small information, the details on the contact us page are for demo purposes. The address is present in a random shop just to show the capability of developing. The same is the case with Social Media Links. They are not yet made but added dummy links.
