Created on 18th April 2020
The main inspiration behind it was the fact that decision making must be swift during the time of epidemics. We are seeing epidemics more frequently. Ebola, SARS, Swine Flu and Corona have occurred within the last 20 years and we are not sure how frequent they might become in the future. We have build a portal for hospitals across India where they connect with each other, with government bodies and with ICMR.
It enables hospitals to monitor their personal resources, share reports with fellow hospitals for more insights and using this platform they can share medical supplies and resources in case one hospital is hit badly with the rising patients of COVID-19.
It enables hospitals to share reports with ICMR so they can report on new symptoms and real-time issues of treating COVID-19 patients.
Government bodies can take swift decision swiftly as we this portal enables them to monitor reports from individual hospitals and using our inbuilt analytics tools the reports can be consolidated on various parameters for quick decision making. It helps them to prioritize badly hit areas and hence provide them with resources before they get overflown and become a COVID-19 hot spot themselves.
We ran into multiple challenges while building up this project. We weren't sure about all of the tech to use. The first challenge was to get reliable data on a national scale. We consolidated state data and used the government's API to generate historical data.
Secondly, we had to create a panel for the hospitals which was confusing since we had to figure out what visualizations will help hospitals most. We figured it out by asking around on various forums and doctors from AIIMS.
Lastly, we have to create real-time visualizations for State Level and National Level Data, we did it with APIs and Dash.