The problem CoVhelp solves
This website is made to empower the netizens with all the data they need to fight against the SECOND wave of the CoVid 19 pandemic (rather say CoVid 21!) which is much more contagious than the first wave. To do so we have done the following:
- Gathered all the important resources like info on Covid-19, vaccines & vaccination, medicines, guidelines.
- To keep people safe & informed, we have added real-time data of total, active cases, number of fatalities, each tailored for the user's country!
- News related to Covid-19 to keep aware of the citizens.
- Bots to spread awareness on each platform, we have started with Discord (made CovBot).
- Blogs, for connecting people from various backgrounds & share important info like emergency situations.
Challenges we ran into
- Were unable to implement chatbot for the website due to lack of knowledge (of Websocketing and asgi) and experience on Django Channels.
- Unable to implement Graphs showing the trends on spread of Covid-19.
- Problems in extracting data for different countries due to disparity in times of Data uploaded by several countries.
- Linking each page's CSS, site media and links was very tedious task.
- Some Ghost errors too!
- We had less experience as we're freshers, this is only our 2nd Hackathon.
- Problems in communication as everything is online.