
A search engine dedicated to Online Courses.

Created on 3rd November 2020



A search engine dedicated to Online Courses.

The problem CourseHub solves

Main Functionality

A portal for users to quickly search of the courses that they are seeking, all at one place, without them having to visit multiple Course Providers to decide which course would be best suited for them, the process that we personally find very tedious and time consuming. This substantially reduces the time gap between the inception of the idea of taking a course and actually landing up at the right place for it.

The users can save multiple courses that interest them and can easily visit these later in time in their dashboard, rather than having to look for the courses all over again at their respective course websites.

Challenges we ran into

Fuzzy Search Logic:

Normally searching through the database with a search keyword directly would not alway return a course. we used metaphone and regular expressions to tackle this hurdle. through the implementation of Metaphone and regular expressions, we can easy return all the courses related to the particular keyword a user enters.


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