
An initiative to stop the spread of COVID-19 and save us from these difficult times.

The problem CoronaGo solves

  1. Reducing the Physical contact with various surfaces we come in contact with daily by providing a hands-free facial identification based payment system supported by ethereum based blockchain for secure and verified transactions.
  2. A new Face-identification based system by which chemists can give the medicines to a patient by just scanning their face so that there is no need to even touch any prescription slip which goes through various surfaces and hands which can be infectious. A public record for everyone so that they can access from anywhere in the world. Prescriptions are submitted by the doctor and are stored on ethereum based blockchain so that they can not be tampered by anyone.
  3. This system makes easy to detect if a person is quarantined/Covid positive/normal by just scanning their face. So it will be very easier for police or other authorities to identify vulnerable persons. In public places, if you want to test someone suspicious u can just scan their fave. Again information regarding sick persons is stored on blockchain so that they can not be tampered and can only be changed by doctors.
  4. A chatbot to answer all your questions regarding coronavirus.
  5. A dashboard to keep you updated regarding current situation such as infected, deceased and recovered patients.

Challenges we ran into

One of the biggest challenges we faced was integrating all these technologies among themselves and make the whole application work smoothly. For hosting all except Blockchain, cloud services were known to us. but for hosting blockchain we had to figure out some way. So we thought os deploying blockchain on a docker based on AWS.
There other challenges also that we faced were regarding minor bug fixes which we were able to overcome by using resources such as stackoverflow etc.
We are trying to upload a video on youtube and paste its link here but internet speed is very slow as of now, so if we are not able to upload video within time and we had to submit the project, please open the drive link and watch the video there
