Mental health is an integral part of health and is more than the absence of mental illnesses. It refers to a broad array of activities directly or indirectly related to the mental well-being, prevention of mental disorders, and treatment and rehabilitation of people affected by mental disorders.
Today being World Mental Health Day, we decided to tackle this issue.
Mental health and wellbeing are by far one of the most neglected areas in our country.
We are quick to rush to the hospital if we experience chest pain; we are ready to pop in pills for conditions like high BP, high cholesterol, and diabetes. But we are reluctant to seek treatment for mental health issues. Emotional stress and other mental disorders are a major contributing factor for all of these physical illnesses. Why are we so reluctant to seek help? Why do we shy away from speaking about mental disorders? Instead of encouraging people to seek help and supporting them, many of us prefer to judge, label and belittle people suffering from mental disorders. We don’t laugh at people for joining a gym or attending yoga classes, but, we judge them for seeing a counsellor or a mental health specialist! But logically if we go for an annual physical health checkup, we should also go for a mental checkup. Most mental health practitioners would agree that seeking help early can help avoid many future health complications. At present, we do not have a cure for many mental health conditions, but we can treat the illness and prevent further damage from taking place.
Hence,to erase the social stigma around mental health discussion .People with mental issues are disregarded and go through loneliness and helplessness.Lack of trained professionals for such people and inadequate funding . some people do not even realise their condition and feel hopeless and low-self esteem.
Normalisation of mental care and creating an AR with greater details in short time.We divided the work and tried to find accurate data and use it efficiently.